
Jen 's Cats!!

  Magoo,Einestein,Bastet & Max!!

  大約三十分鐘,搭著黃色或橘色的地鐵,來到位在紐約皇后區的Jen 家,拜訪她的喵喵世界。Jen 擁有一樓和地下室的空間,她自己也把地下室,特別區分給喵喵們,變成他們玩耍,躲藏,收集玩具的最佳所在~  

  Jen 的“室內喵喵”有四隻,最先出來打招呼的,是 Magoo & Bastet ,Magoo 的眼睛是看不見的,Jen 從外院帶他進來的時候,聽說也是瘦弱不堪,不過,現在六個月大的他,被照顧的非常好,看起來十分健康,活蹦亂跳,也是最喜歡撒嬌和奶奶的喵~ 

  Bastet 是一隻十分漂亮的喵媽媽,全身有黑亮亮的毛,也十分照顧 Magoo ,把他當成是自己的一個小孩,也是最會喊”有”而最先拿到餅乾的喵喵; Bastet 和稍後出場的 Einestein & Max ,是一家人,媽媽和兒子們!可是,當年她才一歲就懷孕,造成後來情緒時常不穩,辛苦的喵媽媽~她們一家是在 Boston 被 Jen 發現的,從小小隻的喵喵養成現在五歲 & 六歲大,健健康康的喵喵們!  

  Einestein 是一隻很像很像波斯貓的喵,因為他的耳朵有飛毛,鼻子是粉紅色又是長毛,和他媽咪,兄弟都不大一樣~他超愛 Jen 買回來的貓草球,也十分喜歡她帶回來的小點心,會一直提醒 Jen ,他還想再要,有意思的是,當 Jen 很認真跟他說不行的時候,他會眨眨眼睛,表示尊重 Jen 的決定;據說他應該是俄羅斯喵,他爸爸也應該是俄羅斯喵 ...... 他長的還挺帥低,個性也很好,潘雪球,妳想不想談遠距離戀愛啊?!

  Max 是一隻非常害羞的喵喵,不時躲在窗簾後面,或是藏在餐桌的椅子上,我每一次看到他,都會覺得 Max 很像宮崎駿裡的卡通喵喵,一直在笑,也一直像是要說話~他的脖子有一圈很好看的領巾白毛,很優雅高貴!!

  來這一趟,我很佩服Jen,她照顧的喵喵們都是外頭撿回來的,尤其她相當尊重他們的個人意願,如果有些喵喵不願意進屋當家喵,她就在後院幫他們架起一些小房子,幫助他們躲風避雨,也會定時地提供他們食物,給予幫助~像這樣子的”後院喵喵”們有五隻,所以等於 Jen 一次照顧了九隻喵喵,她的家族整個加起來一共有 28 隻喵喵,她說她們是喵喵們的朋友!!

  令外一個讓我十分驚訝的是,她家裡雖然有許多喵喵,卻保持的十分乾淨,布沙發也沒有被抓破,她說喵男孩子們脾氣比較好,不大會抓抓咬咬,而且她幫他們買了一顆喵樹,讓他們在上面發洩~最值得學起來的一招是,當喵喵們跳上一些不該去的地方,還有做一些不該做的事的時候, Jen就會拿噴花的小器皿嚇他們,這個十分有用,即使她不把水真的噴出來,他們都會有感覺~想想以後的新家空間很小,餐桌也很小,真的不大適合讓雪球上去,也要試著教她別去廚房和廁所,不然,鍋碗瓢盆還有廁所毛巾都很難洗乾淨~@.@看來我們也要買一個......  

  Jen 也特別提到了件重要的事,她強烈地建議我們帶雪球去結紮,因為就國外的研究數據,不這麼做的話,得到癌症的機率非常的高,而且她告訴我說,對女孩子來說,其實不拿掉,她就會時常發情,其實對她來說十分難受,她自己都不知道那些時候為什麼會這樣,她也擔心,雪球發情的時候,如果遇到了頻率對上的男喵喵,會讓我們很難控制,她說,我們永遠不會知道那隻男喵喵什麼時候會出現~我有問她,手術的後遺症,她說到,其實就她們家族看見的來說,手術完以後,喵喵會覺得比較開心,也不再會有攻擊和發洩情緒的狀況,整個情緒會比較穩定,至於發胖,是因為攻擊性不再,整個喵感覺比較舒適了,放鬆下來的結果,要視喵喵的個性,會有所不同,也可以用食物控制體重的情形;雪球媽!我幾乎被說服了,如果這樣可以讓雪球比較舒服,也比較長命,我們是不是應該早點做決定?!@.@  


  About 30 minutes, we can take the yellow or the orange subways to Jen’s home in Queen, NY, to visit her world of cats。 Jen owns the ground floor and the basement which is separated for her cats’ playing, hiding & collecting their toys~ 

  Jen has four “indoors meow meow”, and Magoo & Bastet are the first ones to welcome us。 Magoo is blind, when he was brought back from outside, his health was also not very good。 However, being six months old, he now looks very healthy,lively,and loves to be patted。

  Bastet is a very pretty mom with shining black hairs, and she takes a good care of Magoo to treat him as her own child。 Besides, she is also the first one to respond to Jen when she wants to have the rewards。 Bastet, Einestein & Max are family members as mom and sons。 Unfortunately, Bastet was pregnant at one year old which has made her affections often unstable。 They were found by Jen in Boston, and now has become holistic 5 & 6- year- old meow meows。  

  Einestein looks like Persian with flying hairs inside his ears, pink nose, and furry hairs which is different from his mom and brother。 He loves the small ball which is made of some appealing plants and the desert which were brought back from Jen。 However, there is something very interesting that when Jen told him not to have one more desert seriously, he blinked his eyes to express his respect to her decisions。 According to what Jen said, he should be Russian, the same with his father。 I think he is a hansom boy with good characteristic, deer snowball, do you want to have a relationship with a long distance?!

  Moreover, Max is a very shy cat who likes to hind behind curtains and the table desks。 Each time when I saw him, he made me remind of the cartoon cats of Hayao Miyazaki with smiling and talking face。 Besides, his neck has a white hairs like some neckerchief, very elegant & graceful~  

  Visiting her cats makes me admire Jen a lot that the cats which she brought back were coming from wild world, but she respects their willingness to make choices to be “indoor cats” or not。 If some of them do not want to be indoors, she will help them build up some houses to be away from rain and cold weather with regular provided food。 Therefore, her “outdoor meow meow” are five which means she takes care of nine cats in total。 By the way, her whole family takes care of 28 cats that they are really good friends of cats。  

  Another thing to make me surprised is that although Jen has lots of cats, she keeps her home very clean with unbroken clothe sofas。 She said male cats often have better tempers not tending to bite or scratch, and if they want to do that, they will scratch the cat three instead。 There is also one skill worth learning, Jen will take a little watering bottle if her cats go anywhere or do anything which is not allowed。 Even if she does not really use the spray, they will feel afraid。 To think about our new home with smaller eating tables, it is really not suitable to allow snowball to go on, and we also have to make her away from kitchen and bathrooms, or it will be very hard for us to clean the things inside。

  Another thing which Jen mentioned to be very important is that she strongly recommended us to bring snowball to do the surgery of ligature。 According to the research data, if she won’t have that, the proximity for her to have cancers is very high。 Besides, she feels very uncomfortable during her oestrus which even makes herself very confused。 In addition, she worries if the right male cat shows up during that time, it will be very hard to control, and we won’t have the idea what time that is。 On the other hand, I asked her about the sequela, and according to her cats, after that surgery, they even become much happier, and do not want to attack things or persons with a better mood unlike before。 Then, about the becoming fatter thing, that is also because they become calmer and more released, and it will be different for each cat which can also controlled by its food。 At last, I am almost persuaded, and if that will make snowball more comfortable and longer life, then if we should make an earlier decision?! @.@  

  It is so grateful for Jen to have me a exploration trip about the cats, and it is also surprisingly for me to get a lot of unlearned knowledge about them。

  (Especially translating for Jen *^-^*)



Post Comments

cunnie said :


Jennifer said :

Thanks, Vialo!!! The translation was very helpful! I'm glad you enjoyed meeting my cats - I know they enjoyed meeting you!

You took so many lovely pictures of them all - your picture of Bastet is the best I've ever seen. Thank you so much for visiting! :)

Vialo said :

Jen~ No problem, you do make them very fasinating, especially for all your cats inclusive of outdoor ones which are also taken so good care. The world of cats do have to award you some prizes for all these things, right?! :)


cunnie said :


Vialo said :


Vialo said :

Dear Jen:

I 'm sorry that each time when I published comment on your Blog, it will leave a blank space which I should figure out what that is. Destroying your Blog's looking......

I just finished watching a movie of Hayao Miyazaki, Kiki's Delivery Service. Kiki has a cute black cat, GIGI, which makes me reminds of Baset again! :)