1-800-WHISKERS (Recommanded by Jen *^-^*)
在紐約的曼哈頓下城,NYU Washington Square往東村的方向走,在第九街Jen 帶著我找到了這家寵物商店,1-800-WHISKERS ; Jen 特別推薦它,因為她曾經上這家的網站查詢過,它裡頭所有進的寵物食品,都是使用經人評選評鑑 (Human Grade)的食材和品牌,所以在這裡,挑選雪球罐頭或其它食品時,我不再需要拿著翻譯機,一個個成份的確認,只要挑選雪球喜歡的口味就行了,附帶一提,這附近的”人用”餐廳也很好吃喔!有許多日本料理還有異國風味的餐廳,不過,就是離我平時上課的地方遠了點......
這次來的主要目地是買化毛膏&魚排醬,但是只有化毛膏有的買,小雪球,姨盡力了......化毛膏的選擇也不多,許多台灣也看的到~我後來買了一條很輕食的Vetbasis牌,無糖無鹽無脂肪酸,裡面也沒有”石油”,說一些化毛膏是含石油 Petroleum 的,好噁~
@.@ 後來又情不自禁的買了一堆罐頭,這一趟出來,從英國到美國,一路上買了三十幾個罐頭了吧?!其中,這家標榜天然- Natural Balance (Dick Van Patten's Ultra Premium Cat Food) ,和許多動物園合作,也提供大型動物們吃的食品,我買的是鮪魚和蝦 & 鹿肉和豌豆~
ABADY , Complete steak & kidney formula 也是標榜天然食品,尤其著重研發肉食類食材,成份包含腰子(腎),動物的肝和胃等,有點太補了就是,像孕婦在吃的......
FROMM ,十分可愛的罐頭,連網站都設計的很可愛,它特別是四顆星級,也就是用做人吃的食物標準在做的~我買的是鮪魚!!
California Natural 的深海魚口味,這家強調,請寵物們吃了再說,就可以發現它們和其它家的不同~
Breeder's Choice 的 AvoDerm 牌,鮪魚 & 蟹肉,強調可以讓毛髮閃亮 & 健康 & 漂亮!
幾乎這些罐頭都會強調成份少灰 Ash & 鎂 Magnesium ,這些可能對喵喵不大好~
再來是上次 Jen 推薦的 Spot's Stew ,雞肉口味的; WELLNESS 的鲑魚 & 鳟魚和沙丁魚 & 蝦蟹口味;還有上次買過的, Merrick 五星級的罐頭,口味是白浪和草皮???
有興趣的主人,可以到 Link 區流覽它們的網站喔!!
Within the Downtown, Mahattan of NY,from NYU Washington Square walking along the direction of East Village, on the 9th St., Jen took me to find this pet store, 1-800-WHISKERS. It is especailly recommanded by Jen because she has ever browsed on its websites to check up their food brands,and she finds all its brands are human grade which means that when I pick up some pet food here,I do not have to bring my translator to make sure their ingredients,the only thing I should do is to choose the flavor which snowball likes. By the way,the restaurants whithin this area are also pretty good inclusive of Japanese and exotic ones. However,it is a little far away from the place which I take my courses.
The main purpose for me is to buy Hairball Gel and Salad Sauce, but I only can find Hairball Gel which choices are also not so many. At last,I bought a very light flavor of Vetbasis which contains no suger,no sodium & no trans fatty acids. Besides,it is petroleum free as well which means many Hairball Gels would have, very disgusting!!
Actually speaking,I can not help refusing to buy cans as follows~ From UK back to US,I have almost bought as many as thirty cans. Natural Balance which brand emphasizes on the natural ingredients,and it also cooperates with many zoos to provide some big animals with natural food. Of this brand,which I bought is tuna with shrimp & venison with green pea formula.
ABADY also stresses on natural ingredients,especially on carnivorous materials such as kidney,liver and tripe which is very nutritious as for pregnancy.
FROMM has lovely websites and design for its cans, and is ranked as four stars. I bought its tuna entree.
In addition,I bought deep water fish formula of Calafornia Natural which would like pets to eat its food first, and then they believe they can tell the differences.
Tuna & Crab meat formula of AvoDerm of Breeder's Choice which improves the hair and coat of pets to become shining,healthy & pretty.
All these brands mention that they contain less ash and magnesium which seems like bad to pets!
Furthermore,I also brought the brands which Jen recommanded last time,Chicken of Spot's Stew and Salmon & Trout,Sardine,Shrimp&Crab Formula of WELLNESS;The other one is whch I have bought last time with five stars, Surf & Turf of Merrick.
If you hope to obtain the detailed information about them,you can go to our link areas to reach their websites.
(Especially translating for Jen *^-^*)
Post Comments
Hi Cunnie and Vialo!
Snowball is such a lucky kitty to dine on so many different foods! :) And you're right, Cunnie - "Turf" is usually sod...but the phrase is British (I believe) and really refers to animals that walk on the land. :) Merrick tries to have fun names, I guess.
1800 Whiskers is one fo the best whole food pet stores I have found - their whole philosophy is to only promote human grade foods - which is great, because as Vialo pointed out, you can just have fun with the flavors and not worry about the ingredients!
I hope snowball enjoys her food!